Pastor Tony Brown

Pastor Tony Brown

Thank you for taking the the time to check out our church. I am extremely proud of our congregation and believe that God is at work among us offering God’s free and radical grace to a world that is in need of transformation. We see evidence of this need for transformation all around us. Stories of injustice, oppression, violence, and inequality pervade our lives, our society, and our world. Trinity UMC is at work to free the oppressed, fight for justice, create peace, and welcome all people equally as children of God.

I too have experienced my own need for transformation in my life. I became a Christian at the age of 19 following years of drug and alcohol abuse. I came from a broken home and lived with my mother and 2 siblings in subsidized housing. When I became a Christian and began attending a United Methodist church I felt called to enter the ministry. However, as a gay man I was told by church leaders in East Tennessee that I would never be able to be a pastor in the United Methodist Church if I was gay. So, at the direction of church leaders I entered into conversion therapy to “be healed from homosexuality”. After trying to live as a straight man for nearly 20 years, I came close to committing suicide in 2016. I then came out to my family and church. Trinity accepted me for who I am and I am happy to continue to serve our church being able to be who God created me to be. Today I am married to a wonderful man that I believe God brought into my life.

Trinity UMC is a real church for real people. The church accepts all people as they are without judgment, and we live out our mission statement in action, “Trinity UMC is to be a welcoming ministry to ALL PERSONS EQUALLY; nurturing spiritual development, fellowship, and outreach.” As we work to advance the good news of Jesus Christ in our world though word and deed we are witnessing transformation happening in our lives and in our world. We invite you to come and be a part of what God is doing among us and through us.

Pastor Tony Brown